Being an entrepreneur, I have a mind set to create something better and to “maximize” the future. One of the things that I like to maximize is time. The problem with that is time is not scalable; it cannot be expanded with increased use. What do we do then? Since you and I can’t change the fact that we all have 24 hours to utilize in a day, we need to approach it differently.
Time Has Limitations, But You Don’t!
How Do You Get Great Ideas?
Many of us out there hold a strong aversion and distaste for meetings. You have heard it before, or possibly even said it yourself: “We do nothing but have meetings around here, so how am I to get any work done?” Why do we have such negative feelings in regards to getting a group of people together to discuss issues and create solutions to move forward?
I believe strongly in the power of the group and think it is vital to bring people together to create the best ideas. If you have read this blog for any amount of time, you have seen me discuss my belief in collective intelligence, an ideal I trust in so much that I even started a mutual fund managed around the philosophy.
ABUNDANCE – [uh-buhn-duh ns]: an extremely plentiful or over sufficient quantity or supply
My son (Tony) graduated from college back in May from the University of TN. I was toasting him, my niece (Danielle) and a bunch of graduate friends at his college graduation party when I shared some comments and personal perspective about looking at their life ahead. The toast went something like “there are great opportunities out there to grow and advance yourselves and I feel a lot of you have a head start because I see you have a mind set of ABUNDANCE! This allows the things in life you want to have to flow to you much more easily!”
Choose to be Great with These 3 Behaviors!
In last week’s blog, I introduced the three core behaviors for business greatness as researched by Jim Collins in his new book “Great by Choice.” These behaviors include fanatical discipline, empirical creativity, and productive paranoia.
Entrepreneurs Don’t Care, Just Like the Honey Badger!
I kept hearing and seeing the slogan “The Honey Badger Don’t Care” in email jokes, on television, and from various people. You may have seen it during the college National Championship Game between Alabama and LSU. You may have seen the signs referring to LSU player #7 Tyrann Mathieu as the Honey Badger.
Creativity… how do we get more?
Many people say they are happiest when they are creating. Maybe it’s because we are made in the likeness of our creator and are doing what comes naturally. Just like an artist or musician, entrepreneurs are creating and bringing things to life, out into the world and the marketplace to solve problems.
I’ve spent the last few days in Asheville, NC on an EO Forum retreat with my long time Knoxville Forum. Asheville is known for its community of artistic people, and like artists and musicians, we like to be in places that stimulate us to create. Many of us know that being in environments like the islands or the mountains stimulate us to create, but do we know why?
When there’s more than one right answer…
Dewitt Jones tells an exceptional story. He does it with a passion and purpose that he has put into his life as a National Geographic photographer. The title of his talk, Extraordinary Vision, was truly extraordinary. He shares the stories behind these fantastic photographs that make them real and meaningful in a way that sticks with you. I was fortunate enough to see him at both the EO Arizona University and the EO Canada Regional, and was captivated both times. Many people said they felt teary eyed listening to his presentation.