This week not only represents the start of the holiday season but also the coming together of family and friends. We all come together and sit in front of an amazing spread of food to celebrate how thankful we are for the sacrifices our forefathers made to journey so far and under such risky conditions in order to start a life in this new land, which was not so plentiful at times. They did this, so they could have a level of freedom that they were not experiencing in their home country.
Thankful for Abundance
Solving the World’s Problems with Abundance
Let’s continue our discussion from last week’s blog. How does Abundance solve the future problems that seem to loom before us like population growth, water needs, hunger, and power?
Abundance Thinking holds the understanding that we have the capability to solve our pains with the technologies we have already created. Those technologies are at such a level that the continued connectivity of each of them creates exponential opportunities for solving all the issues of the day and the problems out ahead of us.
Abundance: Why Are We Lacking?
The pervasive worldview today suggests limitations and scarcity, and this restricted perspective seems to be spreading with all the negative feedback we are continually inundated with at every turn. When human civilization and technology repeatedly prove the limited and scarcity thinking wrong, why do we let it consume our consciousness?
If this scarcity mindset was accurate, we would have mostly starved to death by now after all the cries in the ‘70s that insisted the exploding population would consume all the food. Have you been to a grocery store lately? What about how we were scheduled to run out of oil a decade ago? We should all be walking now and burning our furniture to heat our homes.
ABUNDANCE – [uh-buhn-duh ns]: an extremely plentiful or over sufficient quantity or supply
My son (Tony) graduated from college back in May from the University of TN. I was toasting him, my niece (Danielle) and a bunch of graduate friends at his college graduation party when I shared some comments and personal perspective about looking at their life ahead. The toast went something like “there are great opportunities out there to grow and advance yourselves and I feel a lot of you have a head start because I see you have a mind set of ABUNDANCE! This allows the things in life you want to have to flow to you much more easily!”