Many of us look at the world we live in today and think about an idea we may have that, if launched in our connected world, it would spread and we would become super rich. With the internet and smart phones allowing us to be connected everywhere, this is not a pipe dream. The right idea, combined with enough money and a strong management team, can push an idea out in the marketplace and accomplish those dreams.
Scaling bounceit!™ by Not Scaling
Freedom and Leadership
This is the week that we celebrate America’s birthday and her Independence. This is a special holiday for me because I am such an advocate for freedom – to go and do what your God-given talents are, to be all that you can be. We do this with fun in the sun, barbecues, picnics, boating and some sporting events. As an entrepreneur, the freedom to explore opportunities, to go out and create, shows what this great country is about and is symbolic with our flag and this day. I want to wish this county a Happy Birthday and give a special thanks to all those who we have lost and to the families that have lost loved ones to keep us free, now and over our history!
The Middle Class Revolution
Running a mutual fund and being in the investment world for more than 20 years got me in the habit of looking to the future and observing the changes that were coming, and what they would mean for new opportunities. This was necessary to look at where to place money for the prospect of generating above-average returns. It also appealed to my entrepreneurial side of filling a gap that existed because of the opportunities that I was seeing. I would sometimes go into overload, thinking about all the things that could be done to take advantage of potential opportunities.
Strategy Evolves, Does your Business?
How did your business strategy come about? Was it planned out in advance in the boardroom, or was it done by some type of trial and error? Did you start out knowing exactly what you were going to become? We started with a plan, but it has evolved into one that has taken time and been filled with trial and error.
Do You Have Happy Non-Performers?
I was excited to get confirmation recently that Rasmus Ankersen will be speaking at the EO Argentina University in November. I saw him speak at the EO India Conference a few years ago and his discussion stuck out in my head. Matt Stewart and I, as Learning Co-chairs, along with Joy Hayes and Leslie Baum at EO Global, discussed how he would be a good fit for our theme for the University of “Tango with the Unexpected.”
The Best Have a Coach!
One of the things about running a company is we get caught up in the issues that pop up daily. This, at times, blinds us to what is going on out in our business sphere – new technologies, new methods and to future opportunities. In my experience, this happens with everyone and none of us are immune.
Want Big Bucks? Think Elegant Organization
Is Geo-Fencing on Your Map?
As we continue to build mobile apps for clients, the advantages resulting from these apps are appearing limitless. I have been in Charlotte this week for the EO Nerve Conference. When I called for a taxi, they said that I can download an app that will send a taxi to me. Not only that, but I can follow the taxi’s location as it comes to pick me up.